This is Adam Bevilacqua . He is two years old. He has 5 older brothers. One of which is his Twin. I get the opportunity to help babysit Adam everyday. Adam is a little Sweet Heart and he calls me " Lowee ". He is very smart. He knows all of his colors, numbers and letters. Adam does have his favorite babysitter though. He LOVES Barbara. He doesn't let her out of his sight. Adam is very special to Barbara too. Adam requires a lot of one on one care because of his heart condition. He is 2 years old and just had his 4 th open heart surgery on Monday. The doctor replaced Adam's heart valve with a mechanical one. He is currently at Boston Children's Hospital and he has a long road ahead of him. Needless to say, Adam's continuing health issues have caused a tremendous financial burden to the family, as they struggle to provide the care he needs, and meet the other responsibilities of the family. In order to help mitigate some of the ongoing expense of Adam...