Brady's New Bike and Helmet.

Alright so this is kinda a long clip but I thought it was so cute. My awesome mother in law found this bike someone was just throwing out, for Brady. And let me tell you it is his favorite toy of all time. He screamed last night for an hour because we left the bike outside so we could put him to bed. We brought it in the house this morning to distract him so I could go to the laundry mat without him crying at the door until I got back. He sat on his bike in the living room with his helmet on forever. Later today Jeff took him outside to open her up in the driveway. I don't think got up much speed because Brady's shoes kept falling off. And his legs are to short to reach the peddles. You have to remember he is only 18 months old. This bike is sweet though. My grandpa bought me one just like this one when I was little. It didn't matter that it was a boy's bike. It was super cool and I loved it and rode it for many years.


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