We are home from our cruise. We had such a good time. I am working on a slide show because We took so many pictures and I would love to share them all. So check back again soon.
Sunday was a very special day for our little family. Jeff was able to Bless Brady. It was great because Trin and Sam came from Utah for a visit and Sam was able to stand in the circle. I was a little worried about Brady sitting still during the blessing. But when they put their hands on his head he sat very still and kept his arms folded the whole time. It was also very special because Jeff's Sisters, his mom, his Aunt Tricia and her husband, and his Aunt Ellen with her family were all there too. The Primary Program was also on Sunday. It was so sweet and the spirit was definatly with us all day. Brady really loved having Trin and Sam here for a visit. He calls Trin , "Ninny" and Sam, "Ninny's Dada" or "Am". Getting ready for church. Family Kissses!
This first picture is of my kitchen table. I had to put my chairs up like this because I guess my lovely little boy is in the stage where he likes to use the kitchen chairs to climb on top of the counter. He gets into the cabinets and into various other things that we put out of reach so he will not hurt himself or overdose on Hershey kisses. But I guess it was said that, "If there's a will there is a way" and my son is full of will. So I took a picture of him in the act of trying to unlock the door to get out. He is standing on a milk crate that is normally filled with toys in his room. Notice the very pleased look on his face. Well he wasn't so happy when I took him off the crate and put it away so he can't use it. He through a typical terrible two temper tantrum and stormed off to his room. I am sure he is plotting a new plan as I sit and type this story. Please pray for me and my loony 2 year old. I am not sure I am going to make it to his 3rd bir...
We just got back from Utah and had the opportunity to go through the Temple and be sealed as an Eternal Family on November 15, 2008. It was such a special, exciting exerience I can't even put into words how I feel. It was awsome! I have a few pictures of my family and some friends that came to share our day.