Big boy bed!

We set up a toddler bed this afternoon. Brady was excited about the new bed but when we started taking apart the crib he got upset. I explained that the crib is for babies and the big boy bed was for Brady. He then pointed at the crib and sayed "Baby" and then he went to his bed and said, "Dede" which means Brady. he then laid in his bed and played with his stuffed animals. He is just like his aunt Trinny when she was younger. I know if Brady had more stuffed animals he would have everyone of them in his bed with him. Brady also has names for all his animals. Which I think is funny because he can't even remember most people's names.


Mama G said…
I left a comment a few days ago on this and it's not here?

Have fun. Just wait until he figures out he can get out of bed at night!
The Bischoff's said…
Hey guys! Since you said the other night you had a blog I decided to try to find it! I added you to my list of friends I hope that's ok! Talk to you soon

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