The rest of 2009

So there was a lot that happened in 2009. A lot of change and a lot of heart break for me and maybe that is why I lost the steam to keep up with my blog. but here it is.

In August I got to go to Utah for a visit because my parents had some plane tickets that were going to expire. So that is what I did for my 29th birthday. Which was the best gift ever because it was actually the last time I got to give my dad a big hug and tell him I loved him to his face. I got to spend the entire time with my mom and dad. That was a treat because my other visits to Utah were spent visiting everyone else too.

While we were there my Dad mowed his Lawn everyday. He loved his riding lawn mower.

Brady playing in the driveway while Grandpa mowed the lawn.

When I returned home to New Hampshire, Jeff's Dad called and said he had some work for him. Jeff's Dad had been sick from an abscessed tooth and needed some help to complete the order so, he flew to Utah for a couple of weeks. while me and the boys stayed home.

While Jeff was away in Utah we lost a very close friend and Neighbor. He was doing yard work in his front yard and fell from a ladder. Mike/ "Neighbor" was a really special guy and we all loved him a lot. He was always there for all the fun stuff and he was always there for a helping hand when needed. He had a beautiful Heart and Soul and I will miss his smile.

When Jeff returned home from Utah he was concerned for his dad's health because he was not doing well from having the abscessed tooth. We talked about maybe it would be a good idea to move to Utah to be near him in case something did happen we could be there to help. We prayed about it and decided that we would move to Utah in November. So we called our family's and told them the news of our decision. My dad was so happy. He said "Jeff!" and Jeff said " I love you too Henry" My dad said, "How did you know I was going to say that?, You are bring my little girl back to me!"

What happened after that is a whirl wind of craziness that I don't know how I survived. The next week was Brady's birthday and we had so much fun at his party. Everyone came and had cake and Ice cream. I couldn't believe my little Brady was 3 years old.


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